Tuesday 22 December 2015

2015 Resolutions: Check-In

Back at the beginning of the year, like most people I made a list of things that I wanted to achieve over the year. I approached 2015 with a degree of trepidation, as 2014 had been a pretty massive year and I was a bit scared of having basically life ahead of me but on the whole it's been pretty good (I'll do some kind of Year in Review post closer to the end of the year). But, I'm not entirely sure how I did against my resolutions (because I basically forgot I made any).

1. Cultivate a positive self-image and attitude.
This is definitely one of those easier said than done resolutions. However, I will say that I've generally felt okay when it comes to my image (at least until I see myself in photos), and my attitude has generally been fairly positive (give or take a few bumps over the year as is expected).

2. Learn to drive
This did not happen. And I know it needs to happen. But living in the middle of a city makes it an expensive and pretty unnecessary thing to do. I'm considering at the very least retaking my theory in the next year though, so at least that'll be up-to-date

3. Get a full-time job
This did happen! Whilst it's not the forever job that I would love (but do forever contracts even exist anymore?!), I am working full-time in an industry I'm happy to be in and I'm not living at home.

4. Make an effort to communicate with friends more.
Again, yep I did this. 2015 has been a good way of working out the people who will make the post-uni/job change cut and those that...won't.

5. Stop feeling bad about removing people from my life
Neatly fitting in with number 4, there are definitely a handful of people that I'm probably going to stop making an effort with, as it clearly doesn't work. This is on the one hand pretty upsetting, but on the other something that I need to do in order to help that positive attitude I mentioned earlier. You don't need people in your life who drain you or who make you feel like you're not quite interesting enough for them.

6. Make a regular exercise routine
Hahahahahaha (unless you count walking to work)

7. Own less
In my original post I mentioned feel 'antsy' for owning so much stuff, and I definitely had a bit of a cull before I moved out. However, especially as my space is small, this is a feeling that has persisted. I think post Christmas, if Santa is kind to me, I might have a bit of a refresh because there are definitely things in my wardrobe that I just haven't reached for. I have, however, gotten way better at culling books that I only rate 3 or less stars on Goodreads because I'm unlikely to either re-read them or want to lend them to anyone else.

8. Burn more candles
This has definitely been a thing, especially since moving out. I could probably buy shares in Yankee Candle, though I haven't quite plucked up the courage to go full beauty guru and spend over £20 on something I'm going to burn.

9. Be kinder to the family
This point was really a reflection on the fact that I was living at home, and feeling like I was regressing into my stroppy early teenager stage; which I think is something anyone who has lived at home after being away can probably relate to. I probably have more chats with my parents now I don't live at home than when I did, so this is definitely one that I can tick off.

10. Read 50 Books
Another one that I can say I have accomplished. I've currently read 53 books this year which makes me very happy.

11. Stick to a skincare regime
Whilst my skin hasn't miraculously cleared up (tragically), I do now have a set of products that work well to keep any breakouts firmly in check. I would like to explore the more face mask/treatment route in 2016, to really work at reducing redness on my cheeks and the angriness of some of the spots that I do get.

12. Journal more
This was sadly a fail. I've probably written about 10 entries for the whole of 2015 which is really bad. Especially as I do love getting all my feelings down on paper; this may well be something that appears on next year's resolution list as well.

13. Wear more lipstick
This has been achieved, working in an office environment rather than retail definitely lends itself to being able to wear slightly more interesting make-up!

14. Embrace the song '22'
A bit of a tongue-in-cheek one, but I did turn 22 in March and embraced this song so much so that I actually saw Taylor Swift perform in May. She was wonderful, and if you fancy experiencing the 1989 tour its currently in video form on Apple Music (and I cried about four times watching it...despite...you know...having seen the concert myself).

On the whole, I would say that this year has been a fairly positive one in terms of achieving the things that I wanted to at the start of the year, especially in achieving the pretty big 'proper job' goal.

How have you done against your resolutions? Or do you think resolutions are daft?

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